Monroe County Circuit Court Local Rules

Zoom Litigation: If you are scheduled for a court case held via Zoom and do not have the option to do so, the circuit clerk has installed a publicly accessible terminal in the courthouse law library. We have a webcam/microphone that we will set up for you so that you can participate in your procedure. This publicly accessible terminal is accessible to anyone who needs access to court proceedings, research, electronic records, etc. Come to our office 15-20 minutes before your hearing and we will be happy to set you up. By location, dial +1 312 626 6799 United States (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 United States (New York) +1 301 715 8592 United States (Washington DC) +1 669 900 6833 United States (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 United States (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 United States (Houston) Meeting ID: 419 990 7103 Access code: 059270 Find your local number: Below are the rules and guidelines that apply to the Family Law Division of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Monroe County. Read them carefully. All parties are expected to know and follow these rules. Speaking. A trial is not a free space procedure where people can say what they want, when they feel like it. The parties only speak if the judge or lawyer asks them to speak and only speak to the judge or lawyer. One party never speaks directly to the other spouse in court. Interruptions, sarcasm, insults and insensitive responses will not be tolerated. Don`t start arguing with anyone or threaten anyone.

The judge has the power to find you in contempt of court or to remove from the courtroom anyone who obstructs the proper conduct of business. Disruptive behaviour. While parties are supposed to be upset when they appear in court, they are expected to keep their anger and other offensive behavior under control. For quick answers to specific questions, please email or leave a voicemail with the deputy county clerk handling those cases/areas (see below). I`m in court every day and I may not be able to answer your call or email in time. The Monroe County Circuit Clerk app for Apple and Android mobile phone users is HERE!!! Can be used by defendants, jurors, judges, attorneys, court clients, or anyone else who needs information about Monroe County courts. >>> Please mute your microphone until the judge is ready to speak. All parties to a court proceeding must enable video when the case is invoked.<<< Monroe County Court Schedule 2022 (This is a calendar for the court and lawyers; to see your specific hearing date, go to Payment information: To pay court fees, fines, reviews, copy fees, etc., use one of the following options:,, Courthouse drop box on Circle Drive in Market St. (be sure to write Circuit Clerk on the envelope, as the box is also used by other offices), by mail to 100 S. Main St., Waterloo, IL 62298 or personally from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Plaintiff: a person who files a claim against another person in court Defendant / Defendant: a person against whom legal proceedings have been filed in court Mobile phones and pagers.

Cell phones and pagers must be left at home and not brought to the courthouse. The use of mobile phones and/or pagers in the courtroom is strictly prohibited. Join Judge Chris Hitzemann`s Zoom meeting Monday Zoom information for all time parameters: As always, it`s an honor to serve as a clerk of your circuit court. Lisa Fallon Passports: Full information can be found on our Passport page. 274 Email Jeanie (CH – Chancery, ED – Eminent Estate, EV – Eviction, FC – Foreclosure, LA – Law (over $50,000), LM – Minor in Law ($50,000 – $10,000), SC – Small Claims (under $10,000), MH – Mental Health, RM – Various Remedies, PR – Estate, TX – Judicial Financial Affairs, WI – Wills, GoC – Crown Corporation, Federal Passport Officer) Please note: For property tax questions, please contact Treasurer Kevin Koenigstein Meeting ID: 419-990-7103 Access code: MoCo One tap mobile +13126266799,,4199907103#,,,,* 059270# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,4199907103#,,,,*059270# US (New York). Evictions – Important Information from the Illinois Supreme Court for Tenants and Landlords – click on the links below: Bess – 618-939-8681 ext. 249 Email Bess (CV – maintenance violation, DT – impaired driving, TR – minor traffic, MT – main traffic, OV – violation of regulations, QC – quasi-criminal, JV – juvenile, YES – juvenile abuse and neglect, JD – juvenile offenders, federal passport officer, background check) Lisa Fallon, Monroe County Circuit Clerk The president-elect of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (IACC) dresses appropriately. Legal issues are very important. Shorts, tank tops or halters, undershirts, sunglasses and hats are prohibited. Judges have the power to exclude from proceedings persons who are not dressed appropriately.

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