Lime Legal Oy

After the initial discovery, legal opinion and feasibility study, we can define the scope of the services and describe the next steps to achieve the objectives. Once we fully understand the business case, our team of experienced legal advisors, lawyers and technologists perform due diligence to assess the best possible options to achieve objectives and resolve challenges. American lawyer with many years of experience in Web3, Blockchain and Crypto. He has advised STO, DAO, NFT, and crypto exchanges on a variety of legal, compliance, and due diligence matters. Lime Legal Oy auf perustettu vuonna 2020. Se on osakeyhtiö, jonka kotipaikka on Helsinki, ja pääasiallinen toimiala Lakipalvelut. Säästät aikaa ja vaivaa, kun löydät yhteistyökumppanin tiedot yhdestä paikasta sen sijaan että keräät ne useasta lähteestä, vaikka tilaajavastuulaki ei velvoittaisikaan sinua selvittämään tietoja. Esimerkiksi verovelkatietojen selvittäminen muualta on työlästä. +12 years of general experience in corporate and cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Extensive experience in blockchain, technology law and FinTech Tarkista yrityksen mahdolliset maksuhäiriöt ja viralliset rekisteröinnit. The Irish Data Protection Commission continues to act as Lime`s lead supervisory authority if you reside in Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy or Romania. However, nothing prevents you from filing a complaint with your local supervisory authority.

Oikea tieto yrityksen arvosta auttaa tekemään hyviä päätöksiä. If you have any questions about Lime`s privacy notices or practices and you reside outside of the EEA, please contact Lime by email at [email protected] or by mail at Asiakastiedon kumppanin Vastuu Group Oy:n keräämiä tietoja yhdistetään Asiakastiedon tietokannassa oleviin yrityksen rekisteri- ja liiketoimintakieltoihin ja näiden perusteella tehdään kolmiportainen tulkinta tilaajavastuulain määrittelemien tietojen tilasta: Kyllä / Harkinta / Ei. If you have your habitual residence in the following EEA countries, the controllers of your personal data are as follows: See information about the company`s financial situation and a comparison with the industry. The business value ratio is a cost-effective and unbiased tool, for example: Is it your business? You can change the information displayed in the free My Forecta service. Log in to My Fonecta here. Business Development Manager for LimeLegal and LimeChain. Its main goal is to help startups and entrepreneurs navigate the complex field of Web3 compliance. It is difficult to assess the risks associated with a partner or customer relationship using information based solely on financial information. The law regulates the obligation to provide information and the liability of the contractor when using external workers. The turnover of the company Lime Legal Oy (3147013-6) was 43,000 euros in 2021 and employed – employees. Net sales decreased 10.4%.

Liiketoiminnan voitto oli 1 000 euroa ja liikevoittoprosentti oli 2,3 %. Yhtiön omavaraisuusaste oli 60%. Tarkista tilikauden tulos Yritysanalyysiraportilta tästä. These data controllers (i.e. Lime Electric Ireland Limited and Lime (Cyprus) Company Ltd. if you have your habitual residence in Cyprus, Lime Electric Ireland Limited and Lime SARL if you have your habitual residence in France, Lime Electric Ireland Limited and Lime Technology KFT if you have your habitual residence in Hungary, Lime Electric Ireland Limited and Lime Technology S.R.L., if you have your habitual residence in Italy, and Lime Electric Ireland Limited and Lime Technology Network S.R.L. if you have your habitual residence in Romania) jointly control the processing of your personal data in order to provide you with the Services. With respect to these data controllers, Lime Electric Ireland Limited is entitled to implement decisions regarding the processing of your personal data jointly controlled.

We have also taken precautions to ensure that your personal data is only used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may exercise your rights in relation to such jointly controlled personal data by contacting Lime Electric Ireland Limited by email at [email protected] or by post at the following address: Extensive experience in corporate law, M&APh.D. In corporate law, the ESG sustainability report is a very good complement only to supplement financial information. With the help of the ESG sustainability report, you can, among other things, determine whether the company is associated with a reputational risk and thus assess the basis for possible cooperation. * The number of employees is based on the company`s financial statements. In the absence of up-to-date information, the number of employees may be based on data from previous financial statements and Alma Talent Information Services` estimate. The report contains the company`s outstanding reports in the commercial register. Starting with the first exchange of information and discussions on the desired business model and its particularities. High-level discussion with desirable jurisdictions and the type of digital assets that would be affected. Unfortunately, we are not able to generate a value report for this company. Unfortunately, we cannot prepare a value report for this company because some of the following criteria have not been met: “The report is suitable for assessing the sustainability risks associated with the companies` business activities.

Irresponsible action gives an idea of the realization of financial risks and always constitutes a reputational risk for the company. The ESG audit report covers all Finnish companies. The declaration of responsibility of a contractor is required before entering into a contract for the use of a hired employee or working on the basis of a subcontract, all legally required information, as defined in the law on the obligations and liability of the contractor when awarding the works, in a report to form an overall picture of the company`s operations. The ESG Sustainability Report identifies business risks based on non-financial information. This information includes, but is not limited to, convictions against the company, penalty payments and deficiencies found during government inspections.