Are Yorkshire Bank and Yorkshire Building Society the Same Company

Welcome to the YBS savings app and thank you for being a loyal customer. We appreciate the feedback – could you please leave us more details in a secure message on your online banking so we can investigate this? The company also owns the Chelsea Building Society and the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society, as well as Accord Mortgages and Egg`s savings business, known as the Yorkshire Building Society Group. In total, the group employs 3,300 people across the UK and serves 3 million members. [3] The Company currently provides financial services both directly and through a branch network of 132 people and 99 associated branches across the UK. Despite changes in the industry in recent years, the Yorkshire Building Society remains one of the largest mutual construction companies in the UK – a review in 1995 confirmed that their mutual status was important to them, so they remain accountable to their members rather than external shareholders. Regnier said: “I am pleased to announce that the company has made a good start to 2019. Yorkshire Bank will change its name to Virgin Money at the end of 2019 after parent company CYBG acquired £1.7 billion from Virgin Money last year. The Bank of England raised the bank`s key interest rate from 1.75% to 2.25% on 22 September 2022. In response, on October 5, 2022, for the 5th time this year, we are raising interest rates on almost all of our floating rate savings accounts by at least 0.30 percentage points. Learn more about this change, which could affect your mortgage or savings account. He said the company`s strong financial health reflects its disciplined approach.

In 1864, the Huddersfield Equitable Permanent Benefit Building Society was founded in Huddersfield, and expansion through a series of agreed mergers, mainly with the Bradford Permanent Building Society in 1975, led it to become the nation-building company it is today. The current name came into use in 1982 after the merger of the Huddersfield & Bradford Building Society and the West Yorkshire Building Society. The Yorkshire Building Society also has a mortgage subsidiary, Accord. In August 2011, the company announced that it would close its offshore subsidiary Yorkshire Guernsey. I can log in and see my savings accounts in order, but other than that, it`s useless as if I`m trying to make internal transfers from one YBS A/C to another – both by saving and trying to make a transfer, I get the message Unable to complete the payment. The payment of the customer account could not be made – I took a screenshot if you want to see it. When I go online via a laptop, there is no problem making my transfers. So if it doesn`t work as you tell, I`ll remove it, which is sad because I was one of your first customers to sign up for online banking a long time ago, and one of the first to join the queue to be notified when the app was ready. I don`t need an app just to tell me my balances that I know, but one that saved me from turning on the laptop and going through all the tedious but necessary security checks. I hope you can solve this problem. The company has further expanded its digital capabilities, improved website navigation, launched a new online chat platform for direct mortgage and savings customers, and simplified paper withdrawal processes. The YBS app is great and easier than having to log in every time – I can now do all my banking on my iPhone and log in with my fingerprint.

The only problem I have is that I am told that an error has occurred and I have to reconfigure everything. This has happened to me at least 6 times, I don`t know if others are going through the same thing. Also, a little more information would be helpful regarding my list of beneficiaries, just so I can identify the right account I`m referring to. I recently paid a £300 bill on my Halifax card when it should have gone to Yorkshire Bank (both cards are linked to Scottish banks and I ended up with not enough information displayed in the app to pay the right bill) The company said it has maintained a steady level of mortgage and savings growth. The company said it works with employers and communities to ensure financial well-being and education.