Law Search Website

Conducting smart, thorough, accurate, and fast legal research will make a huge difference to your law firm`s success, but it doesn`t have to be expensive. And thanks to integration with Clio, Fastcase makes it easy to keep track of the time you spend on legal research closely and keep your research organized. Without having to leave Fastcase, the Clio integration allows you to: drag and drop a briefing or complaint, and Casetext`s AI search, CARA, will find relevant cases – whether it`s to improve your search for your own drafts or to look for missing or omitted cases in opposing counsel`s pleadings and complaints. Convenience is even smoother thanks to Casetext`s Clio integration, which allows you to send a Clio document to CARA with just one click. Casetext`s AI search is a paid but inexpensive option for legal research – although you can try it out for free with a 14-day trial. A paid subscription to ROSS Intelligence is another way to use AI to improve your legal research. Ross` AI-powered tool allows you to focus your searches by highlighting the unique facts of your case, helping you identify cases with the same procedural position presented in your case, and more. Free legal research tools were a dream. High-quality legal research is a necessity for all law firms – after all, finding the right precedent or law could give you the advantage of winning your case – but does it have to be expensive? The combination of more digitized legal resources and the development of new technologies means that there is now an overwhelming amount of legal information that can be found online. The good news? Many of these legal research resources can be found online for free (if you really want to dive deep, browse this comprehensive resource for a detailed list of free legal research options.) Please also see the library`s Virginia Legal Materials Research Guide for information on Virginia`s free resources. There are many up-to-date online legal research guides, many of which have been written by librarians at universities and public law libraries. In addition to the George Mason Law Library`s research guides, other recommended sources for research guides include: Technically, number six on this list isn`t free, but inexpensive options for legal research with artificial intelligence can make a big difference to your bottom line. Casetext`s search is powered by AI, which helps you conduct legal research better and faster, find cases and other authorities on the same facts, legal issues, and jurisdictions as your case.

CourtListener is a free legal research website that contains millions of federal and state court legal opinions. With CourtListener, lawyers, journalists, academics, and the public can search for an important case, stay informed of new opinions as they are submitted, or perform in-depth analysis with our raw data. Want the easiest way to research case law? On the main Google Scholar page, select the “Jurisdiction” button below the search box to search for case law filtered by jurisdiction. Below, we`ve rounded up some of the best free legal research tools for law firms. Whether you`re looking to add new resources to your legal research portfolio or paid legal research takes a heavy toll on your company`s budget, these free tools will help you present your best case, without the big financial investments. Below, we`ve rounded up seven of the best free search engines and databases to help you sort through the information to find exactly what you need for your legal research: Search for case law, codes, laws, regulations, and articles related to federal and state affairs with Justia`s extensive free database. These sources limit web search to legal resources. As one of the largest online law libraries in the world, Fastcase provides online access to jurisprudence, laws, regulations, constitutions, court rules, and law review articles, making legal research and analysis faster and easier. Whether paid legal research platforms are outside the firm`s budget or you simply want to find cost-effective ways to conduct thorough research for your cases, today`s free legal research resources help you be more efficient so you can serve your clients more effectively – and stay ahead of the competition. Legal research can be tedious and time-consuming, but it is often also the key to success as a lawyer. Here are 10 tips to help you improve.

Supreme Court Center Provides a searchable and searchable database of all U.S. Supreme Court decisions since the 1790s with links to secondary sources such as legal blogs, books, articles, and oral pleadings. Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) are a global resource that provides open access to legal knowledge. There are more than 46 LII associations around the world that publish source rights via their own search engines and provide freely accessible jurisdictions, regulations and statutes that are unique to these countries. In addition, older legal information may not yet be available online. In this situation, visiting a library can be useful because you can find archived legal information that is not available elsewhere. You can also find potential collaborators in your colleagues (and librarians) who will also do research there. This staff is a great source of information about arguments that have worked in the past and can help you find local knowledge that you may not be able to discover on your own. The Cases and Codes section of FindLaw contains resources and links to state and federal laws. This includes resources related to constitutions, articles, business, etc. Search for case summaries or select a jurisdiction to search for applicable law. The Free Law Project aims to provide free access to primary legal documents, develop legal research tools, and support academic research on legal corpora.

We work diligently with volunteers to expand our efforts to build an open source, open access and legal research ecosystem. Currently, Free Law Project sponsors the development of CourtListener, Juriscraper and RECAP. Please refer to the Library`s International Law Research Guide under “Other Online Resources” for additional resources. In the past, paid search platforms were the only choice, so we accepted legal research tools as an expensive but necessary expense for law firms.