Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Requirements

Customs Reauthorization and Trade Law Enforcement Act 2009. Sections 307 and 308 of the Act amend the original Tariff Act of 1930 to include provisions prohibiting the importation into the United States of goods through human trafficking or forced labor. 3.2 The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains is the responsibility of all persons who work for us or are under our control. You are responsible for avoiding any activity that results or could indicate a violation of this Policy. The Law on Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings and the Prevention of Violence (TVPA). TVPA fights against trafficking in human beings, in particular sex trafficking, slavery and involuntary servitude. It has been reauthorized three times since its first enactment: PROTECT Act 2003 (PDF, 47 pages – 279 KB). The Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT) Act aims to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, a common element of child trafficking. 5.2 We may terminate our relationship with other suppliers, individuals and organisations working with us or on our behalf if they breach this Policy. 3.1 You must ensure that you read, understand and comply with this policy. 4.2 Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery must be communicated to all suppliers, contractors and business partners at the beginning of our business relationship with them and, if necessary, strengthened thereafter. 1.3 This policy applies to our suppliers and all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, temporary workers, posted workers, trainees, agents, contractors, external consultants, representatives of third parties and business partners.

1.2 We are also committed to ensuring transparency in our own operations and in our approach to combating modern slavery in our supply chains, in line with our disclosure requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all our consultants, suppliers and business partners (collectively, the “Suppliers”), and as part of our contractual processes, we include specific prohibitions against the use of coercive, compulsory or human trafficking, or persons held in slavery or serfdom, whether adults or children, and we expect our suppliers to adhere to the same high standards for their own suppliers. 3.5 If you are unsure whether a particular act, the treatment of workers in general or their working conditions in one of the different forms of modern slavery constitute one of the different forms of modern slavery, contact the legal department of your supervisor or host partner+ or via the confidential helpline (for employees) mentioned in the whistleblower policy. 5.1 Any employee who violates this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action that may result in dismissal for misconduct or serious misconduct. 3.4 We encourage you to raise your concerns about a problem or suspicion of modern slavery in certain parts of our business or supply chains at the supplier level as soon as possible. The Mann Act of 1910. The Mann Act and its subsequent resolutions of amendment criminalize knowingly persuading, inciting, inciting or forcing a person to cross state borders to engage or attempt to engage in prostitution. It is an effective tool for tracking traffickers. SECTION 4: Communicate and Raise Policy Awareness SECTION 2: Policy Accountability under foster+Partners` Intelligence Reform and Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2004. Section 7202 of the Intelligence Reform and Prevention of Terrorism Act established the Human Smingling and Trafficking Center to achieve greater integration and overall effectiveness in law enforcement efforts and other U.S.

government interventions, and to work with foreign governments to address the distinct but related problems of foreign trafficking. trafficking in human beings and criminal support for illegal terrorist travel. 3.3 Foster + Partners employees must inform their supervisor and any of Matthew Streets, Rhian Deakin, Charlotte Sword or the confidential helpline mentioned in the Whistleblower Policy as soon as possible if they believe or suspect that a violation of this Policy has occurred or may occur in the future. Suppliers must notify a representative of Foster + Partners mentioned in section 2.2 of this policy. 2.3 Management at all levels is responsible for ensuring that those under their control understand and comply with this policy. 1.4 This policy is not part of an employee`s employment contract and we may change it at any time. 1.1 Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, serfdom, forced and compulsory labour and trafficking in human beings, all of which have in common the deprivation of liberty of a person by another person in order to exploit him or her for personal or commercial purposes. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and relationships, as well as implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery does not take place anywhere in our own business or supply chains. Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA) (PDF, 24 pages – 158 KB). The Ministry combats human smuggling and human trafficking through the issuance of caFRA, which informs owners whose property has been identified as being used to facilitate smuggling or accommodation by foreigners; This is an important tool, as many employers turn a blind eye to facilitating criminal activity on their properties. 3.6 We strive to promote openness and will support anyone who expresses genuine concerns in good faith under this policy, even if it proves to be false. We are committed to ensuring that no employee is subjected to mistreatment if they report in good faith their suspicions that modern slavery, in any form, is taking place or may be taking place in any part of our own business or in one of our supply chains. Adverse treatment includes dismissals, disciplinary measures, threats or any other adverse treatment associated with the expression of concern. If you believe you have undergone such treatment, you must immediately inform your supervisor or a representative referred to in section 2.2 of this policy. If the issue is not resolved and you are an employee, you must formally contact them using our Complaints Policy in the Human Resources Portal on the intranet.

Rhian Deakin, General Counsel, U.S. Code, Title 22, Chapter 78 – Protection of Victims of Trafficking 4.1 This policy is available on the Foster + Partners website and intranet. If necessary, training is offered. This page and its content reflect the language used at the time of publication and may contain terminology that is no longer used by the department. Matthew Streets, Managing 2.2 Responsibility is also shared by the following persons :(a) Legal: Rhian Deakin, who can be contacted at Human Resources: Charlotte Sword, who is contacted at Procurement: Stuart Latham (Design Sub-Consultant and Joint Venture Partner), who is under Corporate Social Responsibility: Chris Trott, who may Be contacted at Find out how we can help you support causes that are important to you.