Affixes Legal Term

You might be interested in the historical meaning of this term. Search for Affix in Historical Law in the Encyclopedia of Law. Conj. a conjunction used to combine two different words or phrases. In law, “and” is used to merge two different entities into a single legal obligation. As in a bank account, in wills, in real estate, etc., used and refers to the use and control of ALL parties to the transaction and not just one. On this page you will find the legal definition and meaning of Affix, written in plain English, as well as examples of how it is used. The definition of affixing in U.S. law, as defined by lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary, is: attach or connect with more or less permanently. You can stick your signature on a document by writing it on it, and you can stick a piece of paper with one notebook or tape on another; but quaere like a trombone. See also attached to the property; meeting. For fastening or fastening, fastening, labeling or embossing as a signature, seal, trademark. Spring.

Code N. Y. fasting, repairing, tying, affixing means keeping something firmly in place. Buckling involves an action such as fastening, buttons, nailing, locking, or any other fastener. Attaching the reins to a post-fixation usually involves retraction, implantation or integration. Fixed The stack in the ground attachment indicates a connection or union through a link, connection, or bond to hold things together. Add the W-2 shape here and add an imposition of one thing on another by sticking, impressive or nailing. Attach here your address label, borrowed from the Latin affÄ«xus, past section of affÄ«gere “to loop (on), attach”, from ad- ad- + fÄ”gere “retract, insert” – more under entry 1 Search or search for affix in the American Encyclopedia of Law, the Asian Encyclopedia of Law, the European Encyclopedia of Law, the British Encyclopedia of Law or the Latin American and Spanish Encyclopedia of Law. v.

1) permanently attach something to a property, including planting trees and shrubs, constructing a building or adding to existing improvements. The key is that the attached items are durable and cannot be picked up and moved like a washing machine. 2) sign or seal, for example by affixing a signature or seal. borrowed from the Middle French`apposition “note, poster, element added to the base or trunk of a word (originally in Hebrew grammar)”, borrowed from the Latin affÄ”xus, section passed from affÄ”gere “attach (attach) – more under the entry Affix 1.